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اتصل بنا الآن إذا كنت بحاجة إلى المساعدة أو التوجيه فيما يتعلق بالهجرة!

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إلى أي بلد الهجرة؟
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نوع الهجرة

حلول هجرة سلسة مصممة خصيصًا لرحلتك

أوكل مخاوفك المتعلقة بالهجرة إلى فريقنا من المستشارين المهرة. من خلال الخبرة العملية والخبرة العميقة، يقدم المتخصصون المؤهلون لدينا حلولًا مخصصة وشفافة وصديقة للميزانية لتلبية احتياجاتك الفريدة بفعالية.

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Why You Should Choose Pinnacle Visa Solutions

اختر خيار التأشيرة المناسب

نحن نقدم خدمات الهجرة والتأشيرات المختلفة

تقدم شركة بيناكل لحلول التأشيرة في مسقط الاستشارات والإرشادات المهنية فيما يتعلق بمتطلبات الهجرة الدولية. يتعامل فريق الخبراء لدينا مع احتياجات الهجرة الماهرة وتصاريح العمل وتأشيرة الزيارة لمختلف البلدان.

This visa is for skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer, a state, or a family member. It allows you to live and work in Australia permanently.

A man is suit indicating with hand towards various visa program offered by Pinnacle Visa Solutions Muscat, Oman
A man is suit indicating with hand towards various visa program offered by Pinnacle Visa Solutions Muscat, Oman
  • ​حامل جواز سفر ساري المفعول لمدة لا تقل عن 6 أشهر ​ مواطن من أي دولة خارج الاتحاد الأوروبي ​ خط سير الرحلة كاملة ​ حجوزات فنادق وطيران صالحة ​ تغطية التأمين الطبي للاتحاد الأوروبي بأكمله بحد أدنى 30,000 يورو ​ خطاب دعوة من أحد الأقارب أو الأصدقاء إذا تمت دعوته، أو حجز فندقي صالح ​ خطاب دعوة من الشركة المضيفة إذا تمت دعوتها لحضور اجتماع أو مؤتمر ​ كشف حساب بنكي يوضح وجود أموال كافية

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  • Error: empty slot
  • Error: empty slot
  • Error: empty slot
  • تسمح هذه التأشيرة للطلاب الدوليين بمتابعة التعليم العالي في أستراليا خلال عامين من إكمال دراستهم في أستراليا.

A Skilled Professional wearing suit received his approval of skill assessment with Pinnacle Visa Solutions

Seeking new opportunities in Australia or Canada? Pinnacle Visa Solutions specializes in skilled migration, guiding you through every step. Whether you're in healthcare, IT, engineering, or trades, we'll help you achieve your dream of living and working abroad.

Want Expert Assistance?

Want Expert Assistance?

"We had a pleasant experience with Mr Aslam as he processed our Australian PR a few years back. His thorough knowledge of the subject and cordial dealings with us made us trust him with our case. The result was obviously positive and we’ve moved on towards a successful venture."

Abhi B.

Awesome experience dealing with Aslam in obtaining Australian PR. He exactly knows what to do and what not to get a positive outcome. Received valuable feedback and advices throughout the process which turned out to be crucial for a successful outcome, whether it is for skilled assessment or visa application

Jose K Kunjappy

Applied and got my Germany work visa through Pinnacle. Thank you Mr. Aslam for your thorough assistance and ensuring in getting my work done which i always thought doesn't work as i was cheated by another agency.

Yaqoob Chouhan

I feel lucky for approaching Pinnacle Visa, they were good because they completely know about what they do. Their team have tremendous knowledge and experience. I will surely recommend to whoever asks me for a good consultant for Australia.

Riddhi Sisodia

I recently used Pinnacle Visa Solutions for my travel plans, and I couldn't be happier. The team was friendly, the service was quick, and they really made the complicated visa process feel simple and stress-free.

Archi Sharma

Excellent and fast service great service & fast processing 🌟

Adhra Yousef

I would give him 10/10 ..great professional team and so far satisfied with their services. Mr. Aslam Khokar has been an amazing consultant so far, great eye for detail and good knowledge in his field.

Salman Azhar

Wanted to thank the team and the help they gave us. it was straight forward and all information provided was correct. Thank you Aslam for helping us get our PR in Canada. highly recommended office.


It was a real blessing to find a wonderful and promising migration agent because it led to receiving my Australian permanent residency application. Since the start of the process, they have guided and supported us in the same direction. We were briefed about our migration every time we visited with them. Whether it be work related to the law or small buddy tips, they were very helpful, and wish you success! It's been a long journey and I'm thankful for the team that's helped us along the way.
We were mostly dealing with Aslam, and every time we got a prompt response from him.


The best and most reliable consultants in the immigration process. My consultant Mr. Aslam and team were very professional, supportive and responsible, who took up my application and provided the clear information about the process and clarified all my queries regarding the process. And guided me with the right information to get through the immigration process. I strongly recommend considering for future immigrants.


Excellent services!! It showed the professional and credible advices during each stage of application. Special thanks to Mr. Aslam for his apt and valid responses/ guidance through out the application. Finally received 189visa.Thanks to the team.

Jose K

They were very dedicated and sincere in their work. And because of their dedication, I got my Australian permanent residence. I definitely recommend them to help you in your process. Thank you Mr. Aslam.


Mr. Aslam is a gem of a person. Led and guided me through the process step by step. Extraordinary support and professionalism were shown by him. I highly recommend their service for the PR process.
God Bless them.

Saeed Khan

We are so happy to received an Australian PR visa what we have been dreaming since long. It took only 7months for our application from the date of last document submission. Thanks to Mr. Aslam, who assisted and supported us through out the process. Without Mr. Aslam, it would have remained still a dream. We would strongly recommend and suggest anyone to avail these wonderful services from Mr. Aslam and team.

Roshal Lobo

I am really thankful to Mr. Aslam for his professional approach in getting my Australian dream making true. Last month, I received my 189 grant for me and my family. We are very happy and excited. Mr. Aslam and team are very professional immigration consultant to whom I can recommend to anyone. Yes the journey is long and tough, sometimes tiring as well but at the end it is worth all that hard work.
Thank you once again to Mr. Aslam 🙏🙏🙏

Digan Pandya

بعد الترحيب الحار، سيقوم مستشارنا ذو الخبرة بشرح الإجراء بثقة بعد مراجعة ملفك الشخصي بدقة.

انضم إلى استشارة مجانية مع أحد الخبراء

خريطة الطريق

لدينا نهج منظم لمعالجة الطلبات التي تضمن الكفاءة والدقة.

سجل للبدء

اختر خطة الدفع التي تناسبك. ادفع عبر الإنترنت من خلال أي بوابة دفع أو استخدم نقدًا أو شيكًا للبدء فورًا.

التسجيل عبر الإنترنت أو غير متصل

تفضل بزيارة مكتبنا أو موقعنا الإلكتروني للتواصل مع بيناكل لحلول التأشيرة واتخاذ خطوة بناءة نحو جعل رحلة الهجرة الماهرة إلى وجهة أحلامك تجربة أكثر سلاسة.

يلتزم خبراء الوثائق المتفانون لدينا ببذل قصارى جهدهم لضمان ترشيحك/موافقتك من السلطات المختصة. بمساعدة تمثيل RCIC وMARA الموثوقين لدينا، نضمن أن طلبك سيتم تقديمه بشكل لا تشوبه شائبة وبدون أي أخطاء. ثق بنا لضمان عملية سلسة وناجحة.

إعداد الوثائق من قبل الخبراء

بعد الترحيب الحار، سيقوم مستشارنا ذو الخبرة بشرح الإجراء بثقة بعد مراجعة ملفك الشخصي بدقة.

​إيداع طلب التأشيرة

على استعداد للإقلاع؟

جهز نفسك للإقلاع والتوقف في وجهة جديدة.

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